WAI-Adapt Task Force
The objective of the WAI-Adapt Task Force is to develop normative specifications and best practices guidance to support enhanced and personalized web content delivery that better meets the diverse requirements of people with disabilities — it does this by making fuller use of underused features already specified in HTML, and by proposing new markup elements and attributes, as needed.
Work statement
To learn about the focus, scope and deliverables of the task force, see the WAI-Adapt Task Force Work Statement.
Overview of the WAI-Adapt work
- WAI-Adapt Overview — an overview of W3C’s WAI-Adapt technique
- WAI-Adapt video — a technical demonstration of a semantic overlay approach that enables user-driven personalization, employing user-preferred symbols for text that has had WAI-Adapt semantics added to it
Current work
The WAI-Adapt Task Force supports the deliverables of the Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) Working Group.
For details of the current work, see the WAI-Adapt Task Force wiki.
Contribute to the work
The WAI-Adapt Task Force welcomes input from the global accessibility community on the work to enable content and interface personalization for people with cognitive and learning disabilities.
Contribute without joining the task force
You can contribute to the work without being a member of the task force in the WAI-Adapt GitHub repository:
- If you’re aware of an issue with any of the published WAI-Adapt resources, raise a new issue.
- Comment on or propose solutions for open WAI-Adapt issues.
Become a participant in the task force
Joining the WAI-Adapt Task Force enables you to participate fully in the development of the work and influence the deliverables. You and your organization will also be listed as contributors, where appropriate.
Being a participant involves commitment to support the work of the task force in the following ways:
- Engage actively in the work using the task force’s communication channels.
- Keep up with weekly tasks and the progress of the work — for example, via the minutes of past meetings, mailing list discussions, and GitHub issue comments.
- Give your input promptly, when it’s needed.
To become a participant in the WAI-Adapt Task Force, you must first be a member of the APA Working Group — see Instructions for joining the Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group.
Once you are a member of the APA Working Group, email the W3C staff contact for the WAI-Adapt Task Force to let them know you’d like to join the task force.
Note: As a participant in one of the APA Working Group’s task forces, you can choose to focus your time exclusively on the task force deliverables and you do not have to contribute to the working group’s other activities.
Task force members
The WAI-Adapt Task Force develops and maintains the following resources for the APA Working Group:
- Requirements for WAI-Adapt specification — 2022 Group Draft Note — user stories, specific use cases, and requirements for WAI-Adapt
- WAI-Adapt: Tools Module — 2022 Group Draft Note — examples of the personalized tools properties
- WAI-Adapt: Help and Support Module — 2022 Working Draft — examples of the personalized help and support properties
- WAI-Adapt: Symbols Module — 2023 Candidate Recommendation Snapshot — technical specification providing terms authors can use to enhance web content with information about controls, symbols, and user interface elements
- WAI-Adapt Explainer — 2023 Group Draft Note — introductory document explaining general use cases, vocabulary, and anticipated uses
Contact the chair
If you have a question for the WAI-Adapt Task Force, email the chair or the W3C staff contact.
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