This is an unpublished draft preview that might include content that is not yet approved. The published website is at

Updating WCAG 2.2 translations: October 2023 to December 2024 version

Refer to the relevant process

To update a W3C technical report translation, you must follow the same process as for an initial translation:

Considering the limited scope of this update, we will do our best to ensure that the W3C’s steps run as smoothly as possible.

Browse the content changes

The easiest way to spot the changes between the two versions is to use a “diff checker” tool, such as the W3C HTML Diff service.

Use the following input values :

Address of reference document
Address of new document

You can use this direct link: Diff between 2023 and 2024 WCAG 2.2 versions, via W3C HTML diff service

We also recommend that you read the WCAG 2.2 Change log.

Browse the code changes

Refer to the WCAG22-20241212 tag to get the files of the 12 December 2024 version.

To list the relevant changes:

Update the translation

How to translate WCAG 2 explains how to use the content in w3c/wcag  repository to translate WCAG.

If using this recent method is overly complex to you, you can update your existing files.

Authorized translations: update the translation header

Please update the following information in the translation header (also called “disclaimer”) at the top of the document.

Date of publication
Translation publication date will be updated by W3C.
This version:
URI will be updated by W3C.
Most recent version:
Keep the existing URI. Example:
Previous version:
Dated URI of the initial translation. Example:
Please add and translate this new text.
Original version:
URI of an errata page. Please create and host a new errata page specific to this translation version.
Lead translating organization:
Update information when relevant.
Partners in the translation review:
Update URI as relevant.
Summary of public comments on the Candidate Authorized Translation:
Update URI as relevant.

Check your translation thoroughly

Please properly check your files before submission to W3C.

In particular, make sure that:

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This is an unpublished draft preview that might include content that is not yet approved. The published website is at