This is an unpublished draft preview that might include content that is not yet approved. The published website is at

WCAG Success Criteria in Accessibility Roles and Responsibilities Mapping (ARRM)

This is an in-progress draft. We welcome your comments via GitHub or email from the links below under Help improve this page. You are also welcome to join the ARRM Community Group to contribute.

This page provides an approach for assigning which roles have primary (P), secondary (S), or contributor (C) responsibilities for meeting Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 success criteria (SC). A later iteration will include the success criteria added in WCAG 2.2.

You can download the information from the table as a CSV file.

WCAG SC Level Business Content Authoring Visual Design User Experience (UX) Design Front-End Development
1.1.1 A C P, S, C P, S, C P, S, C P, C
1.2.1 A P, S S P, S
1.2.2 A P P, S
1.2.3 A P
1.2.4 AA P S
1.2.5 AA P P
1.2.6 AAA P S
1.2.7 AAA P S
1.2.8 AAA P, S P, S
1.2.9 AAA P S
1.3.1 A P, S, C P, S, C P, S, C P, S
1.3.2 A S P, S P, S
1.3.3 A P P, S, C P, S P, S P
1.3.4 AA S P
1.3.5 AA P, C P
1.3.6 AAA C P
1.4.1 A S P, S P, S
1.4.2 A P, S
1.4.3 AA P
1.4.4 AA C P, S P
1.4.5 AA S, C P, S P
1.4.6 AAA P
1.4.7 AAA P C P
1.4.8 AAA P P S
1.4.9 AAA S P
1.4.10 AA P, S P S
1.4.11 AA P
1.4.12 AA P S
1.4.13 AA P S
2.1.1 A S P, S P
2.1.2 A P
2.1.3 AAA P S
2.1.4 A P
2.2.1 A S P
2.2.2 A S P
2.2.3 AAA P
2.2.4 AAA P
2.2.5 AAA P
2.2.6 AAA P
2.3.1 A S P
2.3.2 AAA S P
2.3.3 AAA P, S
2.4.1 A P, S, C P, S P
2.4.2 A P S
2.4.3 A S, C P, S, C P
2.4.4 A P P
2.4.5 AA P
2.4.6 AA P P, S S
2.4.7 AA P, S S P
2.4.8 AAA P S
2.4.9 AAA P S
2.4.10 AAA P S C
2.5.1 A P
2.5.2 A P
2.5.3 A P S
2.5.4 A P
2.5.5 AAA P
2.5.6 AAA P S
3.1.1 A P P
3.1.2 AA P S
3.1.3 AAA S, C P
3.1.4 AAA P
3.1.5 AAA P, S P, S P, S
3.1.6 AAA C P S
3.2.1 A P S
3.2.2 A P, S P, S
3.2.3 AA S P
3.2.4 AA P P S
3.2.5 AAA S S P P
3.3.1 A P, S P, S
3.3.2 A P P, S, C P, S P
3.3.3 AA P, S, C S P, S P
3.3.4 AA S P C
3.3.5 AAA P S
3.3.6 AAA S P
4.1.1 A P
4.1.2 A C P, S P
4.1.3 AA P, S P
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This is an unpublished draft preview that might include content that is not yet approved. The published website is at