Last Updated: 15 March 2023 – Added Web Accessibility Act.
Agreement on the use of open standards for software in the public sector
Official law/policy page
Date enacted: 2007
Responsible Entity (Agency, Ministry, etc.):
Ministry of Finance - Digitalization Agency
Type: Mandatory policy
Scope: Public sector
Web only: yes
WCAG Version Used: WCAG 2.0
Relevant Standard:
Relevant Documents:
The seven sets of mandatory open standards
These standards are used for purchasing, development and operation of the websites of public authorities.
Official Danish translation of WCAG 2.0
Official law/policy page
Date enacted: 2018
Responsible Entity (Agency, Ministry, etc.):
Type: Accessibility law
Scope: Government, Public sector
Web only: no
WCAG Version Used: Other
Relevant Standard:
EN 301 549
Chapters 9, 10 and 11 of the harmonized standard EN 301 549 define the law's requirements for web accessibility. The standard for the law on web accessibility is laid down in an executive order on standard.
Relevant Documents:
Digital Services website
Digitaliseringsstyrelsen provides support and information about web accessibility and the web accessibility act
Executive Order no. 904 for the declaration of accessibility
Official law/policy page
Date enacted: 2018
Responsible Entity (Agency, Ministry, etc.):
Type: Mandatory policy
Scope: Government, Public sector
Web only: yes
WCAG Version Used: WCAG 2.1
Relevant Standard:
EN 301 549
Chapters 9, 10 and 11 of the harmonized standard EN 301 549 define the law's requirements for web accessibility. The standard for the law on web accessibility is laid down in an executive order on standard.
Relevant Documents:
Web Accessibility Statement Tool (WAS tool)
Accessibility Statements are obligatory for every public sector body website and mobile application. The declarations must be created in the Danish Digitization Agency's WAS-Tool. The Danish Digitization Organization offers clear information including FAQ, tools and information about laws and regulations.