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Audio Description - Easy Checks

What is Audio Description?

Description of visual information is called audio description, video description, or described video in different countries.

Audio description explains the visual information needed to understand video content. For example, “Pat opens a small box, looks at a diamond engagement ring, and cries”.

Audio description can be provided as:

For example,

These videos are also available from the W3C website: training video (web page), story video (MP4 file size 28MB).

Why is Audio Description important?

Audio description is important for people who cannot see the video adequately including people who are blind and some people with low vision.

Checking Audio Description

  1. Check if description is needed. Are there visual elements that are important to understand the video?
  2. If it is needed, check if description is provided.
    • Is the important visual information included with the main audio? Does the speaker explain the visual information?
    • Is a separate described video available? Usually there is a link to a separate described video, or a player control such as .


Generally, all text in the video should be included in the main audio or a separate description. For example

The exact text does not have to be included. However, all of the information in the text needs to be available.

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