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Custom Controls

in Forms Tutorial

A Share Button

The example below shows a social media “share button” that has two functions: it shows how many people have already activated the button (“shared”), and allows users to press the button to activate the share function.

The custom button relies on CSS to style a regular <button> element so that the basic functionality remains intact when it is rendered without CSS. For example, most screen readers will announce the button and its contents.

Also, the action attribute of the <form> element references a server-side script that carries out the same functionality for cases when JavaScript is not supported.

A Star Rating

A star rating usually consists of images of five stars that can be used to rate a particular item. A mouse user hovers over the stars and clicks one to select it. For example, if the user clicks on the third star from the left, the rating of the item is 3 of 5 stars.

To make this as accessible as possible, a form is used with its fields visually hidden. It contains six radio buttons, one for each star and another for 0 stars, which is checked by default. The labels for the radio buttons contain actual text (“1 Star”, “2 Stars”, …), and are also hidden visually. The form also contains a visually hidden submit button so that the form is not automatically submitted when keyboard users browse through the radio buttons.

The images of the stars are generated using SVG. The coloring animation of these stars is initiated through the CSS :focus and :hover pseudo-classes so that they can be activated using a mouse, keyboard, and other input methods. The :checked pseudo-class and the general sibling selector ~ are used to indicate the selected, active, and inactive stars.

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